Preparing for Easter: Dinner With Christ

Olu Jegede Devotional

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Jesus strolled in to Jericho, as he traditionally did when he attended the Passover every spring. Yet this Passover was different. This would be his last Passover before his death. As he travelled the 80 mile journey from Gallilee to Jerusalem via the road of Jericho for the very very last time.

I wonder what was going through Christ’s mind. How would he face the cross? Would he be able to handle the whipping from the gruelling punishment the guards would inflict? Would he be faithful to fulfill his mission despite immense pressure to recant what he believed? Jesus definitely had a lot on his mind, the least of which must have been some vilified heathen that wanted to see him.

As the story goes in Luke 19, Zacchaeus was waiting for Jesus. He had heard of Jesus passage through Jericho, and was ready to see him. Something unusual was happening in Zacchaeus. Normally he would have been content with tax collection and lapping up luxurious items, yet for a moment he had no interest in his present lifestyle. He was consumed with just one thing, to meet Jesus. I believe Zacchaeus met Jesus that day because he was prepared. Are you prepared to meet Jesus, particularly during this holiday season?

Preparing to see Jesus is not a literal thing as in passing away, and going to heaven.

Seeing Jesus is desiring to receive a life giving touch from him, a greater knowledge of who he is, a transformation that cuts to your heart, making you a better person than you can imagine.

Thus Zacchaeus sovereignly lord had been prepared to meet Christ. Scripture doesn’t give us much to reflect on the back story to Zacchaeus but we know that Jesus had foreknowledge of Zacchaeus. Think about it. As Jesus walked through the crowded streets of Jericho, what made him stop at the tree where this sinner had climbed. Surely there would have been other people positioned at vantage points such as trees, and rooftops where they could view Jesus better. Yet he walked up to Zacchaeus, Jesus, proclaimed his name, and invited himself to dinner. Just as Jesus had foreknowledge of Zacchaeus, he placed in his heart a desperate desire to know him. Acts 26 tells me that in every man there is a desire to know God. This innate desire to see God was heightened in Zacchaeus. He had heard of Jesus, had probably wondered if there was hope for such a miserable sinner as him, and had wondered if he could see Jesus. Surely he couldn’t not meet him, but perhaps, he could see him was Zacchaeus hope. Driven by a heartfelt desire, he humbly climbed a tree to see if he could located Jesus.

Humility is requisite to seeing Christ. That day upon seeing Jesus, Zacchaeus was able to host our Lord at dinner. In this dinner, he fully repented. A sinner had come to know what Lordland promised to See Jesus is not too busy to have dinner and meet with you and I today. All he needs is an earnest desire to know him, and humble steps towards him.

In Revelations 3:20, he tells the church that he is eagerly knocking at the door waiting to be asked in to have dinner with us. Thus he is willing to fellowship not just with unbelievers like Zacchaeus but also committed Christians. As a believer draw nearer to him this season. Be renewed in your heart and commitment to serve him.

If you don’t know Jesus, are you willing to be found by him? Reach out like Zacchaeus to Christ in humility. Take a step, go out on a limb, talk to a Christian friend, pick up your Bible and read the gospel of Luke. Remember, Jesus is already looking for you, so as you search for him you will find him.

– Pastor Olu Jegede