Have you ever thought about wearing a uniform to worship God? Or said another way, do you dress up to worship God?
This imagery is taken from the dress of the priest in the temple worship of the Old Testament. The priest had to wear a certain uniform, before he could carry out required duties in the “house of God.”
The priest would wear white breeches, a white linen garment and a white hat to complete their outfits. The clothing was linen, which was a departure from their normal daily woollen attire. The colour was pure white, which as farmers and herdsmen was not typically worn in their community. Thus the priest was dressed up for worship and separated with clear distinction, as they carried out their services of prayer and worship to God on behalf of the Israelite community.
I believe God also calls you and I to dress up for our worship of God. After all we are priests in the eyes of God, all of us who believe in Christ.
Indeed worshipping God is a mentality, one in which can be worn as an outfit.
Read 1 Peter 2:9 – “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
So as priests we also need to dress up for worship. This does not mean wearing our best outfits to church or some other sort of actual uniform. Instead we should metaphorically put on our “worship uniform” much like a fireman, a school crossing guard, or your local coffee shop employee does before they step into office for the day. For without their uniform they smack of unpreparedness for their official duties. But with their uniform on, these workers send a message not just to the clients but also to the wearer that the task at hand is significant.
Thus, as you and I wear our priestly uniform, it indicates that we are taking the worship of God seriously.
We put on this uniform by first having a praise oriented mindset. Indeed worshipping God is a mentality, one in which can be worn as an outfit. Isaiah 61:3 says “we should put on a garment of praise”. When dark circumstances cloak the worship of God, then as a priest, I need to put on the garment of praise. Consciously declaring God’s goodness, and marvellous deeds will magnify him and dispel the cloudy thoughts that steal worship from my heart. Refuse to let depression, fear, confusion, worry and anxiety steal your joy. I know for me when I am down, and it’s even difficult to praise God, a favourite worship song played over and over lifts up my soul, and sure enough I find his praise bubbling up from my heart onto my lips.
Secondly, I can don the garb of worshipping of God, and continually let my lips declare his praise. Hebrews 13:15 advises us of this: Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise–the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. An attitude of praise is one that must be put on continually. Many people are able to praise God on occasion. Yet we are mandated to praise him continually. Just as the priest lifestyle was curbed around the praise of God continually , being that priesthood was passed down ancestral lines, a youngster in the priestly line would have been forged and fashioned continually to ensure his proper integration into priesthood at the appropriate age. We as priests can also praise him continually. I am reminded of King David in the Old Testament who praised God seven times a day, for Him this would have been praising continually. Praise Him when you wake up. Praise Him as you see your loved ones. Praise Him as you go to school or work for He has granted you the ability to do so…..and the list goes on and on. When you run out of things to Praise God for, then pray. Pray that God creates reasons to Praise Him in your heart.
Keep wearing that uniform of Praise, and your heart will gladden His, causing Him to encounter you with more of His grace, mercy and love.
– Pastor Olu Jegede