These two words seem oxymoronic, like oil and water at first it sounds like they do not mix. Yet that is who we are called to be. Supernatural people functioning naturally.
While sharing on this very topic at our church I asked our congregation what this meant to them and they indicated the following:
• seeing miracles on a normal basis
• doing the miraculous by accident
• living a life where natural life events seem to work out in your favour constantly
…and so forth.
While I find points of commonality with these answers, my focus on naturally supernaturally in this article is more on the nature of our person. Not so much the outward working of miracles, or living a charmed life, but simply having an understanding of the native source of the supernatural that we as believers bear.
John 3 reveals the story of a man who was intrigued by the supernatural. His name, Nicodemus. That evening as Nicodemus sat with Jesus he fumbled at Jesus questioning. “What does it mean to be born again?” Maybe that’s a question that you are asking, or that you think you know the answer to. Lets examine Jesus response.
Jesus retorted that being born again meant a spiritual birth. “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the spirit to spirit”. (John 3:6). Meaning that when one becomes a believer a new life is formed. One not of a natural sort, but that of a heavenly kind. A divine (or supernatural) nature, as described by Peter (2 Peter 1:3-5).
This new life is divine, and has several attributes. Here are a couple of things to think about:
This new being is completely brand new. Just like a new physical baby is born. You are brand new. New in Christ, and free from the pain, and the entanglements of your life before Christ. This new life is created in the heart (or spirit) of a believer, through faith in Christ. As Christ comes into the core of your being, his light shatters the darkness in the recesses of your soul. Just as God created the earth with his word before time began, God formed a new being in the heart of the believer when Christ is received. We are born again. Now, does that mean we don’t have memories of hurts of the past, or a relationship that still encumbers, of course. Your physical situation doesn’t change, what does is your inner being. You have a new perspective to approach life, and unending resources such as wisdom, patience, peace, stemming from God to deal with things. Aren’t you glad you are brand new?
Another thought that comes to mind when reflecting on our nature as believers is that we have the nature of Christ. Now this may be hard to articulate and indeed quantify, yet it’s important to make an attempt. The experience of seeing my oldest son Nicholas born 15 years ago was life-changing. The thought that a little creature who had my DNA as part of him existed was awesome (a mini-me if you will). As the months and years unfold it was uncanny to see how Nicholas not only looked like me (or my wife) but also acted like us. Pertaining to me in particularly, he has the same boyish curiosity, athletic prowess, and penchant for adventure. Clearly his nature—though still being shaped—is rooted in mine. Yet as much as Nicholas and I are alike, we still fall far short of how alike God’s nature in us is when compared to God. See, when we become born again, God puts Christ in us. Meaning we are not just like Christ, we are exactly like Christ (at least in our spirit). This is the divine nature that Peter speaks of.
As we conclude the first part of this series on naturally supernatural, I would like to invite you to do one of two things.
If you are a believer, then rejoice. Be thankful of the indescribable gift God has given you in his son. You not only received new life when you became born again, you became a son (a child) of God in Christ. How awesome is that? Despite our past sins or present shortcomings we can participate in the heavenly blessings, simply by understanding the depths of who we are in God, and allowing His spirit to lead us, while we actively obey Him.
Conversely if you are a non believer, then know that your best life has not been lived yet, and is only a breath away. Simply put you simply have not started living until you know your maker. He is the purpose behind your creation. John 1:12-13 tells us how to receive Christ and what happens when we do.
Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
Have faith in God’s son Jesus. Believe He is your Saviour, and He alone can forgive you of your sins. Accept His love in the form of His death on the cross. As you believe this and pray to Him, asking him to change you, you will literally receive God’s breath of life, His Holy Spirit in your heart, that will cause a transformation in you, making you a child of God.
– Pastor Olu Jegede